I've been thinking of interesting stuff I want to do with this blog for some time now. Other than just the occasional and random update on my life - which let's face it is interesting to all of about twelve people - I find myself not really having much of actual interest to say.
So, I therefore decided to write a series of blogs entitled "Why I hate ___". Basically I'll try to be funny about things in my life that have aspects that I dislike (but as I was taught in Year 9: when writing for impact, always go with hyperbole and exaggeration; hence, "hate").* I cannot guarantee that it'll go well, or be even remotely funny. But the idea has been fermenting in my mind like the tea on my desk (perhaps the two are connected and I ought to continue letting the mould grow...) so bugger it.
I have a few ideas about things I could write about but would welcome suggestions and/or requests from anybody that sees this.
*In Year 9 for English we had the delightful Mrs Quayle teaching us, my fellow Holy Family survivors will probably know of her prowess at teaching. In any event, one of our lessons saw us reading a newspaper article about a dog attack, with certain words removed and options provided for what word would best suit the situation. The one that sticks in my mind was from the headline: "Woman ___ by dog" and our options were a) bitten, b) attacked, and c) savaged. I chose b whereas the rest of the class (who may have understood the task better than I did, I'm not sure) elected c as the most suitable answer. I accused them - and my teacher - of fomenting sensationalism, and being basically what keeps people reading such papers as The Sun or the Daily Mail. I'm not sure I deserved that detention.
So, I therefore decided to write a series of blogs entitled "Why I hate ___". Basically I'll try to be funny about things in my life that have aspects that I dislike (but as I was taught in Year 9: when writing for impact, always go with hyperbole and exaggeration; hence, "hate").* I cannot guarantee that it'll go well, or be even remotely funny. But the idea has been fermenting in my mind like the tea on my desk (perhaps the two are connected and I ought to continue letting the mould grow...) so bugger it.
I have a few ideas about things I could write about but would welcome suggestions and/or requests from anybody that sees this.
*In Year 9 for English we had the delightful Mrs Quayle teaching us, my fellow Holy Family survivors will probably know of her prowess at teaching. In any event, one of our lessons saw us reading a newspaper article about a dog attack, with certain words removed and options provided for what word would best suit the situation. The one that sticks in my mind was from the headline: "Woman ___ by dog" and our options were a) bitten, b) attacked, and c) savaged. I chose b whereas the rest of the class (who may have understood the task better than I did, I'm not sure) elected c as the most suitable answer. I accused them - and my teacher - of fomenting sensationalism, and being basically what keeps people reading such papers as The Sun or the Daily Mail. I'm not sure I deserved that detention.